Category Archives: Dear Diary

My Tween Diary: I’m kind of a Middle School stalker


This is my old diary from Middle School.


I wrote in it on and off throughout 6th, 7th, and 8th grade (1990-1993). There was so much drama in it…except there really wasn’t any actual drama. It was dramatic for me at the time.
My diary is hilariously embarrassing…or embarrassingly hilarious, I’m not sure which one.

Lucky for all of you, I don’t get embarrassed.
And even luckier than that “Read an entry from an old diary” was one of Mama Kat’s vlog prompts this week. That’s right, I’m going to pour my 12 1/2 year old soul out to you.


Today I’m going to read “Friday March 20, 1992”.
This was during my “Kevi-Poo” stage.

(Email and feed readers click to watch video.)

Well, there you go. I was kind of a stalker.

I actually had a denim purse that one of my friends wrote this kid’s name all over. Unfortunately most of the ink has faded over the years. Sadness. (Click on the image to enlarge)

Kevi-Poo purse

I have many more riveting entries like this one. They’re not all about Kevi-Poo, there are at least two other boys that play a major role in my diary. I could make an entire series out of it if anyone else actually cared.

Do you have an old diary from Middle School?
Did you have a crazy-stalker crush when you were younger?
What did you vlog about today?
Let me know in the comments!

If you’ve vlogged/blogged about your diary, I’d love to see it!
Be sure to stop by Mama Kat’s and check out the other vloggers!
Also linked to: Jenny on the Spot: Daily Vlog / June: Show Me the Funny

I Make Myself the Queen is an itty-bitty newborn blog. Please be gentle with it, wash your
hands before touching it, and be sure to come back often to tell it how cute it is!


Read my family blog