Category Archives: Mommy TMI

The year is new and so are these vlogs…


So, it’s a new year and these are my first vlogs of 2014. Amazing stuff here, people. Eight and a half minutes of pure whatever.

The first two videos are Mama Kat vlog prompts and the last one is a Mommy TMI.

New Years Tag vlog
New Year’s Tag 2014
(Video here)

Dollar Store Haul
Dollar Store Haul: Ugly Christmas Sweater
(Video here)

Mommy TMI
Mommy TMI 01/07/2014
(Video here)

Go check out what the other vloggers are up to or make your own video and link up at:
*Mama Kat’s Vlog Workshop
*Mommy TMI with More Than Mommies.

I Make Myself the Queen is an itty-bitty newborn blog. Please be gentle with it, wash your
hands before touching it, and be sure to come back often to tell it how cute it is!


Read my family blog

Mommy TMI 11/13/13

Mommy TMI Vlog 11/13/13

Hey. I have blog and sometimes I write on it and sometimes I make videos and sometimes I don’t do anything. Whatever. After missing 6 weeks of Mommy TMI vlogs, I’m back. Until I’m not again.

Janene and Christine from More than Mommies have some questions and I have some answers.

Mommy TMI Vlog Prompts 11/13/13

(Video here)

You can check out the other vloggers over at the (last) More Than Mommy Mixer.

If you a loyal viewer of my YouTube Channel (because clearly you have no life or friends, much like myself) and you want me to answer the vlog prompts from the previous 6 Mommy TMIs that I missed, just leave me a comment and let me know. The questions are below.

Mommy TMI Questions that I missed:
-What is your favorite Thanksgiving side dish, and why would anyone top a vegetable with marshmallows?
-Tell us your favorite awkward neighbor story.
-What are your kids’ most persistent tactics to delay bedtime? Why do they always win?
-What is your favorite fall flavor?
-When is the most scared you’ve ever been?
-What is your most memorable Halloween costume from your childhood?
-What is your favorite book?
-What is your Go-To recipe?
-What is the craziest thing hanging on your fridge?
-What one word best describes you?
-What is your favorite color?
-What was your most memorable vacation as a child?
-What is the one toy of your kids’ that you would play with even if they weren’t there because it is so much fun?
-In one sentence, what is your reaction when you hear the UPS truck pull up to your house?
-What holiday or event are you already counting down the days to?

Random stuff about me that I’m sure no one cares about. But isn’t that the whole point of my entire blog? Pretty much.

When do you start celebrating Christmas?
Who is the hardest person to shop for?
What is your awesomely embarrassing fashion trend?
Would you like me to make more Mommy TMI vlogs?
Let me know in the comments!

I Make Myself the Queen is an itty-bitty newborn blog. Please be gentle with it, wash your
hands before touching it, and be sure to come back often to tell it how cute it is!


Read my family blog

Mommy TMI 7/12/13

It’s time for another Mommy TMI vlogging link up with Janene and Christine from More Than Mommies

Be sure to stop by the More Than Mommies Mixer to link up your vlog, blog, Twitter, Facebook, and Google+…I’m co-hosting this week as the Life of the Party!

Mommy TMI

Check out my video to hear the answers to these burning questions. (Video here)

(Video here)

If you’re interested in more of my vlogs (of course you are!) here are some links to a few I’ve posted this week:
*Socially Awkward Blogger interacts with humans (Watch on YouTube)
*Jenn Meets Kat: How I envision our first face-to-face meeting
*Mommy TMI 6/28/13 (Watch on YouTube)

…and you can find even more of that good stuff on my YouTube channel (subscribe!) and my Vlog Magic page.

You can make your own Mommy TMI vlog and link it up with the More Than Mommies Mixer…or you can just link up your blog and get your blog hop on.

I Make Myself the Queen is an itty-bitty newborn blog. Please be gentle with it, wash your
hands before touching it, and be sure to come back often to tell it how cute it is!


Read my family blog

I’m the Life of the Party (Linky)

Pretty ironic after all of my social awkwardness a few weeks ago, but here I am…the Life of the Party!

Read the rest of this entry

Mommy TMI 6/28/13

Janene and Christine from More Than Mommies have started a vlogging link up: Mommy TMI!
Mommy TMI

I just can’t pass up a good vlog opportunity these days, so check out my video to hear the answers to these burning questions. (Video here)
Your Turn to TMI

(Video here)

If you’re interested in more of my vlogs (of course you are!) here are some links to some of my most popular:
*Prance off the Pounds: A Prancercise Parody (Watch on YouTube)
*Dear Diary: I was a Middle School Stalker (Watch on YouTube)
*Something interesting I received in the mail (Watch on YouTube)

…and you can find even more of that good stuff on my YouTube channel (subscribe!) and my Vlog Magic page.

You can make your own Mommy TMI vlog and link it up with the More Than Mommies Mixer…or you can just link up your blog and get your blog hop on.

I Make Myself the Queen is an itty-bitty newborn blog. Please be gentle with it, wash your
hands before touching it, and be sure to come back often to tell it how cute it is!


Read my family blog