Monthly Archives: May 2013

38 Random Things About Me

After all of the talk in my previous post about how much I want to write the first thing that I post (a month later) is actually a video. Yep. No writing. (Well, some. Okay, I lied. It’s a lot. But still.)


Mama Kat had a “32 Random Questions” vlog prompt this week, so I thought I’d share it here. I have a difficult time being brief. I actually recorded the video twice because the first one was 30 minutes long…and then I still hacked the second one to death. After all of the editing…still nearly 14 minutes of nothingness. Truly exciting stuff. I spent days editing the video, so please watch it (and try to stay awake) so that all of that hard work wasn’t in vain.

Coincidentally Mama Kat also has a “list 6 random facts about yourself” writing prompt for her Writer’s Workshop this week, so it made sense to combine the two.

6 Random Things About Me

1. I’m a certified bra fitter
From 1998 to 2003 I worked in (and eventually managed) the lingerie department of a local department store. I had to go through “fit training” with a representative from Playtex. Even though I was technically “certified” Playtex never sent me my certificate (I was supposed to receive one to hang in the fitting room), so I have nothing to prove it except for my mad bra-fitting skills (kinda hard to prove on the internet).
I don’t have any photos of me working as a Fit Consultant so here are some of me holding up random lingerie 😉
I actually became the most popular bra-fitter (called a “Fit Consultant”) in our mall. Sometimes I would spend hours with a customer. I’ve seen many, many things that I can never unsee. I’ve seen the future and it ain’t pretty, ladies.

2. I once auditioned for Deal or No Deal
Yep. In 2008 Deal or No Deal casting came to the Mall at Robinson in the greater Pittsburgh area. I decided that standing in line for 9.5 hours for a small chance of maybe being on the show and maybe winning some money sounded like a great idea. Obviously this was before I had children.
Here’s what the line outside looked like when I arrived at 10 am.
(If you want to truly appreciate the magnitude of the crowd click the picture and then click it again to enlarge.)
I stood in that line, people. For 9.5 hours.
Honestly, I remember very little about the experience now.
I must’ve done an okay job during my 30 second (?) audition because I made it to the second round! Apparently there was a third round I never made it to. I could be wrong but I think I heard that only 3 people made it to the third round and out of them only one was chosen. They didn’t give those details going into it or I wouldn’t have wasted my time.
Here’s what the same parking lot looked like when I left at 7:30 pm.
And here is me losing my mind.

3. I was on a Christian sitcom called Pastor Greg
In 2007 I saw an audition posted on Craigslist for the Christian sitcom “Pastor Greg”. Pastor Greg aired on a handful of Christian television networks and I had seen a few episodes on our local station, Cornerstone. I hadn’t done any acting in awhile and thought, “what the heck!” and decided to audition. I found out later that they already had someone in mind for the part they had me audition with, but loved how I read it and decided to give it to me.
I played “dog lady” in Season 3, Episode 2 “Agape” which aired 02/08/2008 (according to imdb). In this episode “John (Jim Young) takes his dog to Camp Bow-Wow, Lon raps to a troubled teen and Greg and Missy have their baby.”
I was a crazy dog lady at a doggy daycare. Thankfully I don’t have a clip of it. I managed to catch it on tv once and I’m actually pretty embarrassed. They wanted me to play the part really campy with lots of over-acting, which I didn’t care for. I felt like I was on an SNL sketch except that it wasn’t funny. Oh, well.
Here I am waiting to be filmed.

4. I’ve only had my hair colored once in my life.
The summer after I graduated high school I allowed my sister to cut my hair crazy short and then color it. I’ve actually always liked my strawberry-blonde hair color so I actually picked out the same exact hair color to dye my hair with. Instead of drastically changing the color it just enhanced my natural color.
The colors look very different in the photo above but the dye was so close to my natural color that I never bothered to color it again and when it grew out you couldn’t tell the difference.
Here’s my hair a few months after the cut/color and then a year after. No roots, no difference.
I decided the short hair wasn’t for me. My hair grows crazy fast and I literally needed it cut every week. I also hated styling it and found it to be really hot during the summer since I couldn’t pull it back off of my face. As for the color I decided to keep it natural since my original hair color is pretty enough 🙂

5. I have creepy monkey feet.
I have creepy monkey-like toes that I can literally ball into a toe-fist. Don’t be jealous.

6. I take pictures of my creepy monkey feet for no reason.
The last random fact about me is that I didn’t take those photos above specifically for the blog. I took those photos in 2006 for absolutely no reason at all. I have no idea why I took them, but I did. They came in handy since I didn’t have to take any new photos for this post.

32 Random Things About Me
Just in case you haven’t wasted enough of your life reading this post you can waste another 14 minutes listening to me answer a bunch of random questions. Pretend that you like it.

(Email and feed readers click to watch the video: 32 Random Questions)

(You can read the post about my fear of heights that I mentioned in the video here.)

In the video I mention that I couldn’t remember which one of these was the last concert that I went to. I found the ticket stubs and it looks like Lynyrd Skynyrd wins by a month!

Watch my vlog to find out the answers to the following burning questions!
A list of 32 questions to answer in your next vlog!
1.) Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
2.) Do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?
3.) Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
4.) Have you ever stolen a street sign?
5.) Do you cut out coupons and then never use them?
6.) Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees?
7.)Do you always smile for pictures?
8.) Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
9.) Have you ever peed in the woods?
10.) Do you still watch cartoons?
11.) Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
12.) What do you drink with dinner?
13.) What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
14.) What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
15.) Were you ever a girl scout?
16.) Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
17.) Can you change the oil on your car?
18.) Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?
19.) Afraid of heights?
20.) Do you sing in the car?
21.) Is Christmas stressful?
22.) Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid.
23.) Do you believe in ghosts?
24.) The first concert you ever went to.
25.) Walmart, Target, or Kmart?
26.) Nike or Adidas?
27.) Can you curl your tongue?
28.) Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
29.) The last concert you saw?
30.) Can you swim well?
31.) Can you knit or crochet?
32.) Are you a dog person or a cat person?

This post is linked to Mama Kat’s Losin’ It!
2.) List six random facts about yourself.

If you’re visiting from Mama Kat’s vlogging workshop I also have a video tutorial for the prompt this week. I didn’t make it for the workshop, but it fits, so here it is if you’re interested:
Ribbon Topiary Tutorial

I Make Myself the Queen is an itty-bitty newborn blog. Please be gentle with it, wash your
hands before touching it, and be sure to come back often to tell it how cute it is!


Read my family blog

Mama wants to write!

In 2010 when my daughter turned a year old I decided to start a blog. I needed a hobby and an outlet and a way to get all of the words out of my head that my daughter couldn’t understand yet and my husband didn’t want to hear. When I became a mom I began reading many blogs because I enjoyed reading about other moms and their families. I’ve always loved writing so starting a blog seemed like a natural fit to me.

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When I first began Coolest Family on the Block I had planned on the emphasis being “family fun”, how to create traditions in your family, creative ways to celebrate holidays, and anything fun you can do with your kids. At first I blogged about whatever I wanted just to keep it updated and I wrote a lot about my childhood. Eventually over the past (nearly) 3 years it seems as though I have finally settled into that original niche I was planning on (thanks in great part to Pinterest, I believe). I gained some readers and steady hits and my popular posts proved what people were visiting for (and it wasn’t the wordy stuff). BUT the problem with that niche and those posts was that it required very little writing which is what I wanted to do in the first place. There are a lot of photos and descriptions and linking hither, fither, and yon involved…but hardly any words. Every time I wanted to post something more personal or wordy it just didn’t seem like it fit anymore 😦 The interesting thing is that my personal posts get less hits but often get more comments whereas my more popular posts get thousands of hits and pins but often very few comments. Aside from the desire to get out all of the words the second reason why I started blogging was for community. I don’t have any real-life mom friends so I was hoping to make some blogging friends. This can’t happen when no one is commenting on your blog.


All of those boring words just to say that my first blog has been moderately successful and I do still have an interest in it but it’s not giving me the writing outlet that I was hoping for. Enter, “I Make Myself the Queen!”. I actually created this blog back in 2010 and then let it sit here. Now I think it will be perfect for what I want to do which is…write a lot of words about some stuff. The other blog, well, it’s all about kids, but this…this is about me! Oh, yes. Will I talk about the kids? Probably. Will there be talk about boogers and poop? I think that’s inescapable. (Let’s hope that’s about the kids as well) Will it be random? Decidedly so. Will it be funny? I sure hope so. But not always. Will it be serious and teach you important life lessons? Possibly, although perhaps unlikely. Only time will tell.

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So, here it is. I’m blogging. Like, I mean, I’m actually going to write some junk. And? I’m going to write about whatever I feel like at the moment. No promises. No guarantees.

I hope you’ll read it.

I Make Myself the Queen is an itty-bitty newborn blog. Please be gentle with it, wash your
hands before touching it, and be sure to come back often to tell it how cute it is!


Read my family blog