Category Archives: Hubby Chats

Hubby Hahas: Motivation to get out of bed

Hubby Hahas

Last week I was having a really mopey day. This is how my hubby motivates me to stop moping and get out of bed…

Kinda Sketchy Hubby Chats
Kinda Sketchy Hubby Chats
Kinda Sketchy Hubby Chats
Kinda Sketchy Hubby Chats

(Muppet is our dog’s name, in case you were confused.)

Today is our 11th wedding anniversary. Visit this post from our last anniversary for links to all of my “hubby” posts including 2 “Hubby Chats” vlogs where you can learn useless crap about us like, how we met, our first date, and other stuffs.

(Stuffs is plural on purpose. Cuz it’s fancy.)

What motivates you to get out of bed?

I Make Myself the Queen is an itty-bitty newborn blog. Please be gentle with it, wash your hands before touching it, and be sure to come back often to tell it how cute it is!

Read my family blog where I pretend to be a good mom.

I treasure this awkward first date gift

Awkward first date

My first date with my husband was truly a memorable Valentine’s Day.

I met my hubby, Sir Dad, through a mutual friend that I worked with. After only knowing each other a few weeks we went on our first date on Sunday, February 13, 2000 (the day before Valentine’s Day). We saw this really horrible movie that I don’t even care to name and we were the only ones in the theater. Ahem.

Because it was (almost) Valentine’s Day he gave me a card that read:
“The day my heart found you is the day my heart knew true love.
Inappropriate card for a first date
Um, dude…we just met you psycho stalker!
It’s just a tad awkward when the guy you just met inadvertently
(or blatantly) tells you he loves you on your first date.
If that wasn’t awkward enough he also gave me an, um, interesting gift.

Watch Hubby Chats Episode 2 to hear what gift my hubby gave me on our first date!
(Video here)

(You can watch Hubby Chats Episode 1: Our First Anniversary here.)

They say that it’s the thought that counts but seriously…what was he thinking?! What a truly, um, thoughtful and appropriate gift for a first date. Or not.

In the 14 years since then the movie theater where we had our first date has been torn down but I still have that inappropriate gift from our first date. What a lovely symbol of our undying love that can be treasured and passed down from generation to generation.

On an unrelated note it’s disturbing to discover that I’m only a smaller nose and p*rn lips away from looking like a Lindsay Lohan mug shot.

Do you have a memorable Valentine’s Day story?
Have you ever received an odd gift from a date?
What was your first date with your spouse like?
Do you think my hubby should eat the bra?!
Let me know in the comments!

*10 Years / Hubby Chats: Our First Anniversary
*Dear Diary: I’m a stalker!: Happy Valentine’s Day! Stalk the ones you love!

This post is linked to…
Mama Kat’s Vlog Workshop: 3.) A memorable Valentine’s Day!
Mama Kats Vlog Prompts
Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop: 1.) A memorable Valentine’s Day.
Mama Kats Writers Workshop

I Make Myself the Queen is an itty-bitty newborn blog. Please be gentle with it, wash your hands before touching it, and be sure to come back often to tell it how cute it is!

Read my family blog where I pretend to be a good mom.

10 Years

Today my hubby and I are “celebrating” our 10th Wedding Anniversary. And by that I mean we are not celebrating at all. We wanted to sleep in, but our bosses said “No way!”. I thought breakfast in bed would be nice, but neither of us volunteered (because we’re selfish) and our kids are still too young to cook unsupervised. We had big plans to go out later but our babysitter (my mother-in-law) threw her back out and now we can’t go anywhere.
Seriously, that trip to the movies we were going to take took us 10 years to plan and now…nothing.
We probably won’t even shower today.

Time, she is not kind…
(Okay, well, my hubby actually looks great in that picture because he didn’t understand that I was going for the tired, beat-down look. Hmpf.)

In loving memory of the young couple that used sleep in and leave the house whenever they wanted, here’s a look back…

(Video here)

Here’s a peek at our fancy-schmancy wedding…

(Video here)

…and if that wasn’t enough you can see more wedding details on my other blog!

I actually convinced hubby to make some vlogs with me (it took a lot of crying and manipulation).
Here’s the first episode where we talk about our first anniversary.
(Video here)

…and here’s the second episode where we talk about our first date.
(Video here)

Click the pic to read the post…
Awkward first date

You have a lot more to look forward to like us talking about weird quirks we each have. It’s going to require some serious editing so maybe I’ll have those posted before our 11th anniversary (nope). In the meantime you can read about how we met here and here

Over on my Coolest Family on the Block Facebook Page I’m posting something “us” related once an hour for 10 hours. But for you, I’m just putting everything in one place. I’ve already linked to half of them above, but I’m going to list them again in the name of excess.
You are welcome!

1. A look back… (Photo Montage)
2. Our Wedding (The Video)
3. Our Wedding (The Photos)
4. How we met Part 1
5. How we met Part 2
6. 15 Reasons My Hubby is Awesome
7. Colonel Mustard on a Rollercoaster with a Plastic Fork
8. Our 8th Anniversary
9. Our 9th Anniversay

…and that’s only 9 things, but let’s pretend there’s 10.
Because this blog post counts as 10.
Shut up, it does.

I Make Myself the Queen is an itty-bitty newborn blog. Please be gentle with it, wash your
hands before touching it, and be sure to come back often to tell it how cute it is!


Read my family blog